I finally became invisible! I use my invisibility to escape school and then I go to the secret cave where they keep powers to fly. Only birds and bugs are allowed there, but with my invisibility I sneak a flying power orb and gulp it down. I feel a burning explosion in my tummy and suddenly I’m floating! It takes me a couple of minutes to figure out how to turn, boost, and finally get out of the cave. I fly over to my mom’s room and use my invisibility power to wait for her to open the safe and then I grab $350 dollars and zoom over to my favorite açaí place, Humbowl Juice Bar. I get the 24oz, the largest size ever and I get so much strawberries and bananas it’s almost overflowing. I eat it on top of Hewes, on the most stable roof, then the bell rings for passing period, and I have to turn invisible again! All the sad middle schoolers walk to their next class with glum faces, and I know I have to do something. I have the last of my açaí and throw it in the trash before going over to the grass field and lighting a fire. I go over and pull the fire alarm, and kids are cleared out of school in the hour. I go get a water bottle and pour it all over the fire, but it’s too late because all the kids are gone! The teachers gather around the flagpole and to the conga, and Ms. Tanikawa uses maracas. Then I go over to Hot Topic and I get some clothes and embroidered cardigans. I steal them but leave $50 dollars on the counter. Then I go to sleep.

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