
I finally became invisible! I use my invisibility to escape school and then I go to the secret cave where they keep powers to fly. Only birds and bugs are allowed there, but with my invisibility I sneak a flying power orb and gulp it down. I feel a burning explosion in my tummy and […]

Solidarity with Nature

I’ve been on the island for 25 or 27 days. I can’t remember. The boat was supposed to be unbreakable they said. I packed two suitcases, and I grabbed the one with clothes and jumped into the life boat but the waves overturned that too, and I was alone in the stormy waves. No one […]

A Big Fat Hole

Sometimes I feel like I’m stuck in a well, like the old fashioned one where you lower the bucket to retrieve the water thats stored there. I feel like the walls are slick with moisture that couldn’t escape the towering cylinder either. I can’t grab onto the bricks with no cracks and I can’t escape […]